B129: stable release

The list of changes is very long. We prepared a quick summary below and invite you to take a look. It's not a complete list, but some of the top highlights.

The largest addition in this update is a campaign that adds a much needed variety to the usual u-boat's service of performing patrols.

During the campaign, your u-boat will have to travel all around the world and engage in special activities.

Most of the missions in the campaign are based on well documented operations that actually happened during World War II, some are based on stories and rumors that we found intriguing and one is a result of artistic liberty although it's also strictly rooted in history.

Prize rules and newspaper stories
From now on, your u-boat may sink all shipping that is headed towards the blockaded enemy ports. Also, some enemy ships are now flying a false flag as a deception. If you suspect that either of these things may be true, you can send your team to inspect a neutral ship and find out the truth.

Such less obvious targets are more likely to carry a very valuable cargo. If you manage to sink them, you may get an additional reward and maybe even appear in a newspaper.

This update brings a Portuguese and Czech translations into the game. They are a result of dedication and work done by Roliçonho (Portuguese) and Spid3rCZ (Czech) from the community.

There also were major updates to all of the existing languages:
  • Russian by Hard.
  • Spanish by Tordo.
  • Chinese by SparrowSHEN (Q:173678441).
  • Turkish by tokyo.
  • Italian by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
  • French by FvJ and Placebo.
  • ...and of course German by Ruby.

Warm thanks guys!

Supply ships
Submersible supply ships of Type XIV also called "milk cows" are now part of the game. You can receive them as a reward for various campaign missions. They are an invaluable help, while performing missions near the American coast!

Bogue-class aircraft carriers
These carriers are used by U.S. Navy and Royal Navy and complement the existing Illustrious-class already present in the game.

New navies
This update adds Spanish, Portuguese, Argentine and Swiss navies with hundreds of historically correct ships.

We also added hundreds more ships to existing U.S. and British navies.

Quality of life improvements
Removed loading splash screens
The paused loading screens whenever u-boat enters a coastal area are now gone. Everything happens in the background instead.

Reworked radio
Radio was reworked from the previous list interface into a separate screen that is much more immersive and feels more appropriate.

New time compression level
Newly added 140x time compression level dramatically improves the flow of gameplay. You will be unable to live without this one once you get used to it.

Reworked campaign setup
Each update so far was adding new realism settings to the campaign setup. We felt that this screen needed an update to make it more pleasant and easier to use for the new players.

Despite adding a lot of new content, this version due to added optimizations is most likely going to have higher FPS and less stutter than any previous release. Enjoy! 

Crew management
Immersive damage control
Sailors now autonomously react to leaks on board and try to block them on their own before an engineer arrives to make the final repairs. Everyone involved in the damage control now places various utilities around and stacks boxes to access a highly elevated damage.

These changes together make the damage control much more immersive and life-like in our opinion!

Discipline rework
Discipline was reworked in this update into a new system. From now on, discipline usually changes over long periods of time, while newly added stress may rise and fall much more quickly during the combat and spread panic on the ship.

These two mechanics are interlinked together, so if the discipline is high on your ship, you will likely not have to deal with stress effects in most battles.

Sailors working at the radio
Since this update, regular sailors work at the radio station when there is no officer present. This way, you will get notified whenever an incoming radio transmission appears and don't have to keep your radiomans at work 24/7.

Skill system overhaul
The skill system was completely overhauled. Many existing skills were reworked and there are numerous new ones added.

New leader skills:
 Navigator, Gunner, Personal skills, Supporter.
New engineer skills:
 Pyrotechnic, Engine specialist, Handyman, Torpedo Mechanic.
New radioman skills:
 Propeller recognition, Radio usage practice.
New language skills:
 English speaker, French speaker, Spanish speaker, Portuguese speaker and Linguist.
New personal skills:
 Merchant, Thrifty, Runner, Thorough, Tough.

Long-range hydrophone detection
Previously, due to technical limitations, only nearby propellers in the range of up to 15 km could be heard when hydrophone was used manually. This update has reworked many underlying systems to allow you to hear them from any distance from which hydrophone was historically able to pick them up.

Funnel smoke above horizon
Funnel smoke is now visible from a much higher distance than before, even when the ship emitting it is hidden behind the horizon.

Hydrophones dead zone
Previously, dead zone was present only when player was using hydrophone manually on the u-boat. This update ensured that AI is affected by it in the same manner.

Balance pass for device noise levels
Noise levels of all devices on board were reworked to make them more realistic and provide a more balanced gameplay.

Food management
Food management in the game is now optional. You can disable this module, while preparing a new campaign.

Graphical improvements
Crews on NPC ships
This update adds NPC crews on all ships and aircraft. They are looking much better than before, walk around the decks and do various work.

Volumetric lighting effect
Volumetric lighting is a fog-like effect that is most intense near the light sources as they light up particulate matter in the air. It's a quite mood building addition in our opinion.

Subsurface scattering effect
Subsurface scattering is a subtle effect that makes people appear more life-like by propagating the light through skin.

We first added this effect a long time ago, but certain rendering upgrades made it incompatible and we had to remove it before the first release of the game. This time we added a new, lightweight implementation that shouldn't have a noticeable effect on the performance.

Diesel exhaust effect

Torpedo overhaul
Animated torpedo launches
Torpedoes no longer appear in front of the launcher, but instead the torpedo launch sequence is now fully animated 

FAT and LUT torpedo programs
Torpedoes now exist in FAT and LUT variants that have a built in program which in case of a miss start to steer the torpedo into a special zig-zagging pattern that increases a chance to hit another random target inside the convoy.

Magnetic and impact detonators
Before launching a torpedo, you will now have a possibility to determine, if you want to use an impact or magnetic detonator. They both have their strong and weak points, so choose wisely!

Reworked torpedo detonation effect
Torpedo detonations were completely reworked and are much more satisfying than before!

Map improvements
Paper-like skin
A new map skin was added that looks more paper-like than the others. It's now the default look of the map.

Spoiler-less markings
We removed all spoilers from the map markings and from other parts of UI. You will no longer know ahead what you are dealing with and experience that thrill of meeting the unknown vessels in the middle of ocean.

New items
This update introduces various new items for the purpose of simulating a more realistic shipping in the game. These items include:
- Iron ore.
- Coal.
- Tea.
- Tobacco.
- Grains.
- Rubber.
- Tire.
- Gold.
- Valuables.
- Lumber.
- Money.
- Karabiner 98k.

Prisoners of war
It's now possible to rescue survivors from sunk ships and shot down aircraft and carry them back to port for a reward. You will be especially rewarded for bringing back captains, first engineers and pilots.


This article was updated on September 5, 2021